Score Analysis

This tool is available as part of the Campus Learning premium offering and requires the Enhanced Curriculum tool right.

Location: Grade Book > expand an Assignment > Score Analysis; Grade Book > expand Settings menu > Score Analysis; Teaching Center > click score icon > click Assignment Name > Graph icon

The Score Analysis tool is available through the Grade Book and Teaching Center. It allows teachers to view a distribution of student scores on an assignment and visually break down how each student scored.

Access Score Analysis

Single Assignment All Assignments in a Section
  • In the Grade Book, expand an assignment and click the blue Score Analysis link.

  • In the scoring editor, click Screenshot of the Score Analysis graph button. . Access the scoring editor by clicking Score when viewing an assignment or clicking the assignment icon in the Teaching Center and then a (non-submission) assignment .

  • In the Grade Book, expand the Settings menu and click Score Analysis in the Grade Book tools section.

The Enhanced Curriculum tool right in Additional Access Rights > Instruction Tools grants access to this option. See the Instruction Tool Rights article for more information. 

Single Assignment

Score analysis for a single assignment displays a score distribution graph representing all scores for the assignment. The percentages on this graph indicate the number of students who received that score. For example, the image below shows that about half of the students got a B- or higher on the assignment. Hover over each section of the graph to see the score it represents and how many students received that score.

Below the distribution, the breakdown section lists each student who has received a score, displaying score information and an individual graph.

Screenshot of score analysis for a single assignment, with a summary graph at the top the Student Breakdown below.

Score Analysis provides a distribution of all scored students and a breakdown showing details for each score. 

Filter the student breakdown by clicking sections of the distribution graph. Hold SHIFT or CRTL to select multiple scores to include in the breakdown.

Click Screenshot of the Export as CSV button. to export the breakdown, with present filters, to Excel. If you have tool rights to Student Groups, click Screenshot of the Create Student Group button.  to create a Student Group of the students currently included in the breakdown.

Screenshot highlighting the CSV and Student Group buttons at the bottom of score analysis. 

Click one score or use SHIFT and CTRL keys to filter the breakdown. 

In this example, I want to create a student group of the students who received 60% or lower on the assignment so I can give them a followup assignment. Hold the CTRL key while clicking the lowest two scores on the distribution and then click Create Student Group and enter a name. The student group is then available to modify in the student group and to select on assignments.

Multiple Assignments

Score analysis from the Settings menu of the Grade Book starts with just distributions of all assignments in section. Assignments display in order by Due Date, starting with the most recent.

Click on one or more sections in the distributions to view a list of students below.

Screenshot of score analysis for multiple assignments, with a summary graph for each assignment at the top followed by the Student Breakdown.

From the Grade Book Settings menu, view the score distributions of multiple assignments. 


Assignments with Quizzes have an additional Item Analysis section below the Student Breakdown. This item analysis section shows student performance on each question. The displayed information varies by question type.

The first column shows the question text. The second column indicates how many students got the question correct, incorrect, and partially correct. The third column indicates how many students selected each answer.
Click any links in the second and third columns to see a list of students who selected that answer and make a Student Group, if you have tool rights to the Student Groups tool.

Scoring Rubrics

Additional score information displays for assignments evaluated using Scoring Rubrics. See the articles about creating and scoring for more information about scoring rubrics.

Below the score distribution and student breakdown that display in score analysis, the scoring rubric displays. For each grid square, the number of students who met that criteria is shown, over the total number of students who have been scored.

Screenshot of score analysis for a scoring rubric highlighting the number of students who met each criteria in the grid. 

View score analysis for assignments evaluated using scoring rubrics to see the total number of students who met each criteria. 

This feature can be helpful in determining where the class is succeeding and struggling. For example, in the image above, half the class got a 60% or lower on the Focus & Detail criteria, so I may want to focus more on topic sentences for our next essay.

Click on a grid square to see a list of students who met that criteria and create a Student Group of those students, if you have tool rights to the Student Groups tool.